Reconstruction procedures will depend on a full assessment of your teeth and analysis of what will help to reduce
TMJ pain, if that is what is wrong, or improve the visual appearance of your teeth.
Reconstruction procedures may include several, if not all of the following:
- Removal of any damaged teeth that cannot be repaired
- Replacement of missing teeth with a combination of dental implants, bonding or bridges
- Use of orthodontic methods to move or reposition teeth that have become misaligned
- Manipulating the position of the jaw by using a specially designed and shaped orthotic device
- Use of dental veneers, crowns and caps to improve teeth that have been damaged but can be repaired.
The aim of the reconstruction will be to give you teeth that are more natural in number and position, look better, relieve you of any TMJ related pain while creating a more stable, functional bite. Let's put a smile back on your face, so you can live more happy, healthy, and longer.