and we want to help you achieve your dental goals of keeping your smile healthy and beautiful for a lifetime! We understand dental treatment can be expensive, so we strive to keep our costs to a minimum and to provide you with affordable dental care. We appreciate your help in this effort and ask our patients to pay in full prior to or at the start of treatment.
It is our intention to explain all dental procedures and their related costs prior to treatment.
Our fees reflect the experience, quality, and service you can rely upon to complete your personalized smile. Kelly and Gerri are always happy to assist you with your financial questions and concerns. They will help you explore the financial options that will make your dental dreams a reality.
Did you know a few decades ago, most insurance plans would cover up to $1000-$1500 in dental bills a year per subscriber? Today a single crown can cost that much, but most policies still have the same annual limit as they did years and years ago!
Most dental insurances limit the number of times you can have a specific procedure done in a calendar year even though you may need these services more frequently to maintain a healthy dental state. Not all services are a covered benefit in all contracts. Services covered within your benefit plan are arbitrarily selected between your insurance company and the subscriber’s employer. Refer to your individual policy for specific benefit and limitations of services negotiated within your insurance plan.
When insurance companies state a procedure fee is “usual and customary,” this really means the procedure fee is based on what the insurance company established decades ago. At the Meyer Dental Group, we do not consider our patients “usual and customary” and use materials and procedures deemed acceptable several decades ago. Remember, your insurance benefits are limited by what you or your employer pays for the plan, less the profit of the insurance company.
Dental insurance is a contract between the subscriber and their employer. We encourage you to read your insurance policy so you are fully aware of the benefits and limitations negotiated by your employer and insurance company.
As a service to you, we are happy to prepare and electronically file any dental claims from your appointment. We will make every effort to maximize your yearly reimbursement to which you are entitled. Please be aware we cannot guarantee insurance reimbursement outcomes.
Dental insurance is not intended to cover all expenses but to be used as an aid toward acquiring better care. Dental insurance rarely pays for necessary procedures in their entirety. Our fees reflect the quality of care, experience, and service we provide to our guests. Our fees are not based on insurance allowance. Gerri or Kelly will be happy to assist in your particular dental benefits should you have any further questions. We welcome you to call our dental office in Des Plaines, Illinois to learn more about dental insurance or any of our financial options. We look forward to speaking with you!
Make a visit to our Mount Prospect dental office today and see for yourself what dental care with a personal touch looks like in action, when you see us practicing what we preach.